I’m Back…Sort of…

I’m back from being hit by a car while crossing the street with my son, but I still hold his hand tightly and look behind my shoulder whenever we step into a crosswalk.

I’m back from being buried in worry about the development of my other son, but I still keep a checklist of all his therapy exercises.

I’m back from being consumed by OCD, but the only reason I am finally posting something is because it’s part of my exposure therapy.

I’m back from being silent because I fear social media judgement, but I most definitely still fear you readers out there.

I’m back from ignoring my business, but I hope I can learn to conquer more than one task at a time without striving for perfection.

So here I am, ready to try.

Thanks to Laurie Wagner and the Wild Writing workshop. Thank you for that last poem, The Good News, by Thich Nhat Hanh. In his words, I am ready to “leave behind the world of sorrow and preoccupation and get free.”

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